
Kyoto Cherry Blossom 2024: Early Sakura Spot and Enjoy Festival at Yodogawa Riverside Park 淀川河川公園


EN Japan Sakura TravelNews

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The Sewari Tsutsumi Sakura Festival 2024
Yodogawa (淀水路), located in the Fushimi district of Kyoto, is renowned for its early-blooming Kawazu-zakura (Japanese:カワヅザクラ / 河津桜), also known as the Kawazu cherry blossoms. These vibrant pink blossoms burst forth as early as February, defying the winter chill. The Yodogawa area is home to approximately 200 Kawazu cherry trees, stretching along the waterway for about 1.3 kilometers.

Unlike the pale hues of the iconic Somei Yoshino cherry blossoms, the Kawazu variety boasts a deeper pink color and blooms earlier, gracing the landscape for up to a month. Visitors can leisurely stroll along the cherry blossom-lined path, capturing the romantic beauty of these early bloomers.

How to get there

To reach Yodogawa from downtown Kyoto, you have a few options:

1. By Train:
- Take the Keihan Main Line from Kyoto Station to Higashiyodogawa Station. The journey takes approximately 45 minutes and costs between ¥370 and ¥950.

3. By Taxi: - If you prefer a more direct route, you can take a taxi from Kyoto Station to Yodogawa Ward. The taxi ride typically takes around 38 minutes and costs between ¥17,000 and ¥21,000.

4. By Car: - If you're driving, it's about a 38-minute journey from Kyoto Station to Yodogawa Ward by car. The estimated cost is between ¥700 and ¥1100.

Cherry Blossoms Yodogawa Riverside Park 2024

Early Cherry Blossom Festival in Kyoto 2024

During specific weekends in the flowering season, the nearby Shimotsucho Public Hall provides a resting spot for those admiring the blossoms, offering warm tea and delightful Japanese treats like sakura parfait, uru-imo yaki (grilled sweet potatoes), and ohagi.

The Sewari Tsutsumi Sakura Festival 2024
Date: 2024 Mar 09, 10
Time: 10:00~15:00
Venue: Shimotsucho Public Hall (Japanese:下津町公会堂)

If you’re in Kyoto during this time, consider experiencing the magic of Kawazu cherry blossoms along the Yodogawa waterway!

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